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#3856 - 05/16/04 07:04 AM Re: I don't mean to get political but...
Justin Offline

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Registered: 04/15/99
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Ok I'll expand a little on my original statement "Bush is a jackass!"

How long does it take for everyone, regardless of their politics, to smell the stink in the air by the Bush administration. Here's what we got...

Bush/Gore Election - corrupt
Iraq/WMDs - corrupt
Halliburton/Cheney - corrupt
Justice Scalia, Supreme Court - corrupt
Prison Abuse scandal - corrupt all the way to Rumsfeld and prob Bush(New Yorker Magazine)

Cost of war $200 billion/750+ US soldiers dead/20,000+ injured 15,000+ Iraqi Civilians dead
Osama Bin Laden - still manages to produce tapes listened to worldwide when I can't even get a demo out. \:D

Budget surplus under Clinton - long gone
Budget deficit under Bush - highest ever

FCC run by Collen Powell's son - taking away free speech
John Ashcroft - if he had his way we'd all be Christians

and on and on and on and on

They say love it or leave it... Canada or Australia are looking better everyday. \:D
Site Admin

#3857 - 05/16/04 07:29 AM Re: I don't mean to get political but...
john gee Offline

Registered: 04/30/03
Posts: 362
Osama Bin Laden - still manages to produce tapes listened to worldwide when I can't even get a demo out.
aha, very good justin.! \:\)

especially embarressing when you consider he's been dead for at least a year now.

that's kind of like his back catalogue screwing you from beyond the grave.

'Osama Gold: the very best of....'

chuckle \:D
The Constitution is kooky?

#3858 - 05/16/04 12:58 PM Re: I don't mean to get political but...
Kelly Offline
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Registered: 01/28/02
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Originally posted by john gee:
Osama Bin Laden - still manages to produce tapes listened to worldwide when I can't even get a demo out.
aha, very good justin.! \:\)

especially embarressing when you consider he's been dead for at least a year now.

that's kind of like his back catalogue screwing you from beyond the grave.

'Osama Gold: the very best of....'

chuckle \:D
Holy Moly, Gee, you've got expand on that one. What kind of proof have you got?

#3859 - 05/16/04 08:29 PM Re: I don't mean to get political but...
ynghermes Offline
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Registered: 11/09/00
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I don't know where to get the 'blacks legal dicitionary'... I got mine from a benifactor many years ago.

Now, don't forget I used two words there, can't remember the numbers. And yes there are three key words and you got the third one. So the prez (may) need some other approuval? Dosn't that in itself disagree with your point? How can he be in charge if he might need other approuval?

I guess you didn't read where I stated I have a complete set of all the documents and that I read them. My intention was, and is, to get more to read them, so were both on the same page there. and YOU LOOKED IT UP! Cool, dude, can I call you that? ;-)

It was mentioned that no debate protocal was being met on this subject. I am mearly pointing to one point that can be discussed without being baffons about it, although I can sling a line of profanity just as 'well' as anybody, but whats the point?

Reading is one thing, understanding is totally another, I would recomend reading those documents many times till one understands them. The 'Blacks legal dictionary' gives a better semantic view of the documents because the definitions are a bit differant than the (normal) common use of the words. and yes, I have studied our history in very qualified institutions, don't let my dyslexia confuse you, my spelling my be wrong but my knoledge is atleast above the average civics class. My uncle was second in command in Viet nam commanding the 101st (Jimmi's unit). He was the one who brought it home for me, much more than any school of higher learning. My drive in this life is music, but that dosn't mean that I have no other interests. The freedon we have been taught just isn't there and I'm not saying that there is a better place anywhere else on the planet, just saying that things are not as they appear. We are told that we have certain rights and in reality we do not. Get the whole set of documents to prove it to yourself, I mean the Declaration, Constitution, Bill of rights, Ten Commandments (& Bible, because thats where the extrapolation came from, it was a common place where every anglo related religion was started from and manny more, so it was the fulcrum that elevated the thoughts and could easily be pointed to in any discrepancy), communist manufesto (to see where we are going AND where it is comming from) and last, but not least, by any means, the jurerours rights (and how far they have errouded since common law has been stedally replaced with lyiers/lawers, who must pledge thier allegance to the government, not to the letter of the law.

In closing, Knife, you haven't convinced me of anything yet, though, I will entertain any valid point relating to my calling out ;-). From there we can go to one of yours, if you like.

AND do we need to sling insults on this? Is there a valid reason? Am I missing it? If some one is being an ass, do we have to respond in like? I think not. I agree this is a heated subject, but really, calling names? Disputing mascilinity? I know it does show frustration and thats a good thing. We are artists on both sides of the glass, abstract thinkers, can't we visulize a friendlier way to our brothers and sisters? EVEN IF THEY STARTED IT? Wasn't that one of the first things we were taught? To overlook a little a flaw in a personality?

Yea, bush is an ass, then again, so is his cousin. Were arguing over the distractions here, lets go the the root of the problem. Its like burning our draft cards, what does that do? Shure were mad? The social security cards would have been a much better idea. Thats the ploy, to sidestep us into thinking that what were arguing about is the real issue, it usually isn't. Kinda like the bate and switch thing.

#3860 - 05/17/04 02:11 AM Re: I don't mean to get political but...
DP Offline
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Registered: 03/15/02
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What a rambling load of mumbo jumbo! Dude (if I may call you that )give it up! You're not even in the same league as Knife( as far as this argument goes at least ) and the above post makes that extremely clear.

#3861 - 05/17/04 04:56 AM Re: I don't mean to get political but...
Michael M Offline
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"Ignorance does not yield to attack, but it dissapates in the light, and nothing dissolves dishonesty faster than the simple act of revealing the truth. The only way to enhance one's power in the world is by increasing one's integrity, understanding, and capacity for compassion. If the diverse populations of mankind can be brought to this realization, the survival of human society and the happiness of its members is secure."

from an incredible book, "Power vs. Force" The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, by David Hawkins
"When people show you who they are, believe them." Maya Angelou

#3862 - 05/17/04 05:13 AM Re: I don't mean to get political but...
ManFriday Offline

Registered: 09/27/03
Posts: 192
Loc: St. Charles, IL
Bush/Gore Election - corrupt
Would it have beencorrupt if Gore had won?

Iraq/WMDs - corrupt
Was it corrupt when Clinton attacked Iraq in order to quell Saddams building of WMDs?

Budget surplus under Clinton - long gone
You mean the projected surplus.

Budget deficit under Bush - highest ever
Cant argue with you there. One of hte reasons im ****ed at him

Cost of war $200 billion
Thats another reason im ****ed.

John Ashcroft - if he had his way we'd all be Christians
Nonsense. This is such an exageration. I dont know where people get this idea. The man's christianity is evident so liberal start jumping around accusing him of trying to convert the whole nation to christianity. It's just silly.

FCC run by Collen Powell's son - taking away free speech
I have seen no evidence of this at all. The fact that the abuse scandal is all you hear about on TV these days speaks contrary to your claims.
In fact you speaking openly against the Bush administration about the fact that we have had our free speech taken awawy is rather contradictory. \:D

Canada or Australia are looking better everyday
If Hillary ever becomes president maybe we can get a bulk rate on tickets out of the country. ;\)
Like to argue politics? Religion? The color of the sky?
Then might I suggest
Possibly the most ideal place to get into an argument.

#3863 - 05/17/04 05:41 AM Re: I don't mean to get political but...
Fieryjack Offline
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Registered: 05/12/03
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Man Friday,

I might just have to join you on that trip to Canada if Hilary becomes pres...

On a tangential note, I must share something sad, but true. When Bill and Hilary moved to Chappaqua, NY a few years ago, which is within 20 miles of my home, they changed the flight patterns of Westchester airport so they wouldn't have a direct flightpath overhead. Do you know who now has a direct flightpath overhead? Yours truly. Before, it was dead quiet overhead.

Anyhow, I'd rather have them in Chappaqua 20 miles away ruining a take every now and then than having them in the White House.

#3864 - 05/17/04 06:06 AM Re: I don't mean to get political but...
Nick Batzdorf Offline
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Registered: 04/15/99
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Bush/Gore Election - corrupt
Would it have beencorrupt if Gore had won?
Yes yes yes! I said that earlier. What the Supreme did was - again - arguably the worst abuse of the Constitution in U.S. history.

I have to agree with what Ralph ****ing Nader said yesterday on CNN: this is not an elected administration, it was a selected regime.

#3865 - 05/17/04 06:16 AM Re: I don't mean to get political but...
ManFriday Offline

Registered: 09/27/03
Posts: 192
Loc: St. Charles, IL
Yes yes yes! I said that earlier. What the Supreme did was - again - arguably the worst abuse of the Constitution in U.S. history.
Well, at least there is a little consitency here.
I would of course argue that the worst abuse of the US constitution was Roe Vs. Wade.

But with regards to FL.. how long do you think Florida should have been allowed to dick around?
I mean if I recall correctly they had already had several recounts.
And, if I recall correctly (going by memory) Florida had a mandetory deadline, which Katherine Harris tried to enforce, but the (liberal) Florida supreme court usurped her authority on the matter and let the democrats have more time.
And it was at this point that the US Supreme court stepped in and said "enough".
I dont think that is an 'appointment' of a president.

The whole process was just jacked up in Florida. At some point someone had to put a stop to it and considering it was a national election I dont think it was any more inappropriate for the federal govt. to step in and say "you are done" than it was for the Florida supreme court to step in and say "Forget the rules, you can have more time."
Like to argue politics? Religion? The color of the sky?
Then might I suggest
Possibly the most ideal place to get into an argument.

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