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#3826 - 05/14/04 03:23 AM Re: I don't mean to get political but...
ManFriday Offline

Registered: 09/27/03
Posts: 192
Loc: St. Charles, IL
what does knifs penis have to do with anything?
Looks to me like he was just kicking ass.
Like to argue politics? Religion? The color of the sky?
Then might I suggest
Possibly the most ideal place to get into an argument.

#3827 - 05/14/04 05:42 AM Re: I don't mean to get political but...
Kelly Offline
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Registered: 01/28/02
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Originally posted by Nick Batzdorf:
I'm just curious, John, but what do you think did hit the Pentagon? It obviously knocked the wall in from the outside, and it looks like it wasn't a truck or something on the ground, because the top of the wall's caved in.
I'm reluctant to jump on any conspiracy theories regarding this but in the first hour of this going down (and that's usually when you get some of the most insightful information-before the powers that wish to not be seen have a chance to put their story in place) I remember CNN reporting that the Pentagon had been hit by a truck bomb.
It's curious that there wasn't any plane debris on the lawn right in front and that there was damage done to only the first ring of the Pentagon.

...and don't get me started about building #7!

now where did I put that tinfoil hat?

#3828 - 05/14/04 07:05 AM Re: I don't mean to get political but...
Nick Batzdorf Offline
Founding Member

Registered: 04/15/99
Posts: 12161
Loc: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Knife is not kicking ass, he's being an ass.

I'm not flaming you, Kelly, but to me the pattern damage doesn't look like what a truck bomb what do. Again, it appears to start at the top of the wall and move down. And I think the momentum would carry the plane debris forward.

While it seems quite possible that there were dirty dealings going on - Saudis being flown out, etc. - I think it's more likely that they started after the plane crashes. To me it's pretty farfetched to think that this was all a stunt.

#3829 - 05/14/04 08:43 AM Re: I don't mean to get political but...
Knife Offline
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Registered: 07/22/02
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Loc: New York
Originally posted by Nick Batzdorf
Knife, please put your small penis away and go home. All you're doing is ruining this board with your obnoxious behavior.

I'm really sorry to see that Nick has decided to take this to such a juvenile - and personal - level.


I felt that we are all in here, talking about things that are important to all of us (other than the DA-7 and other audio gear) and freely exchanging views.

I commented on my observations of some of the statements that have been made in here and expressed my views.

I didn't attack anyone. In fact, I always referred to comments people made in the abstract and never to those who made them - until I was addressed directly.

I see no need to turn the discussion into personal warfare.

I'm truly surprised that apparently, the fact that I don't necessarily agree with Nick - or the hyperbolic way he chooses to characterize his statements - causes him to resort to attacks typographical errors and juvenile penis jokes.

Seriously, if someone simply disagreeing with you - and doing so in a mature discourse, using FACTS to do so - upsets you that much, maybe you think a minute about some of the stuff you are saying in here.

As I've said before, Nick, your writing - both in the media and in here - indicates that you are a very bright guy. Seriously. I'm not trying to be patrionizing here.

You and I happen to disagree on some of the political/philosophical opniions you seem so willing to state in such graphic terms. I take issue with those things, as is my - and everyone's - right. But I'm not upset with you, nor does it make me think you're any less intelligent, or that you deserve to be told something as immature as "shut the **** up" or "say something constructive" or "take your small penis and go away."

Seriously, Nick: before you go on attacking me and telling me I'm "ruining this board" or being obnoxious, take a look at your OWN behavior/posts for a minute.

I'm pretty comfortable that the definition of "hypocrite" is still applicable to your position.
Obama sucked. I wish I were up there instead of Obama.
~ Nick Batzdorf

#3830 - 05/14/04 08:44 AM Re: I don't mean to get political but...
Audiorigami Offline

Registered: 04/14/03
Posts: 288
Loc: San Diego, CA
Originally posted by Fieryjack:
Audiorigami said:
sorry dude, he bombed afghanistan. bombed al-qaeda training camps.
No, Audiorigami, sorrEEEE. Clinton ordered bombs dropped on IRAQ on December 16, 1998 on the eve of his impeachment debate. Get your facts straight.
smoke this:
On August 20, 1998, the Navy launched 75 Cruise missiles, blowing up what President Clinton described as:

"..terrorist-related facilities in Afghanistan and Sudan." (President Clinton, NY Times, 8/21/98, p. a12)

Justifying the attack on Sudan, the President said:

''Our forces also attacked a factory in Sudan associated with the bin Laden [terrorist] network. The [Shifa] factory was involved in the production of materials for chemical weapons.''(ibid.)

we're both right. he bombed everyone!

#3831 - 05/14/04 09:03 AM Re: I don't mean to get political but...
Nick Batzdorf Offline
Founding Member

Registered: 04/15/99
Posts: 12161
Loc: Los Angeles, CA, USA
A hypocrite is someone who advocates one thing but does another. I'm an audio hypocrite in lots of ways, mostly because of laziness (my studio is a mess, I have cables running where they shouldn't be running, etc.). But I'm not a hypocrite politically.

I don't think you even understand what it is that's so annoying about your posts. You have this attitude that you're the Opinion Police, that it's your job to point out when someone's opinions (generally mine) are subjective and presented without all the supporting evidence. Well, you're not the moderator of this thread, I'm not your student, and I find that obnoxious. And personal, since I'm the object of it all the time.

So say something of your own instead of pointing out what you think are weaknesses in what I say.

#3832 - 05/14/04 09:24 AM Re: I don't mean to get political but...
Knife Offline
Veteran Member

Registered: 07/22/02
Posts: 1501
Loc: New York
Originally posted by Nick Batzdorf:
A hypocrite is someone who advocates one thing but does another. I'm an audio hypocrite in lots of ways, mostly because of laziness (my studio is a mess, I have cables running where they shouldn't be running, etc.). But I'm not a hypocrite politically.
I beg to differ.

You routinely refer to politicians (and others) as "only putting forth their own agenda" being oppressive, being closed minded, etc., etc. - In fact, you just did it to me - here (to be discussed below).

Yet, you refuse to recognize that you quite frequently attempt to put forth your OWN agenda, come off as closed minded (blindly subscribing to "liberal" tenets without supporting them or listening to any other views does NOT = open mindedness) and often act like an oppressive policeman yourself.

Just go back and look at your posts in this thread alone. Seriously. You absolutely refuse to even consider or enter into rational discourse on almost anything anyone else says. You just keep pronouning your views and telling other folks who disagree to shut the *** up.

Originally posted by Nick Batzdorf
You have this attitude that you're the Opinion Police, that it's your job to point out when someone's opinions (generally mine) are subjective and presented without all the supporting evidence.
It's not my job to oppose anyone's opinions Nick.

But what you fail to realize, is its my RIGHT to oppose them, eh?

Sorry it upsets you that I don't get in line with your other sheep, as you would like. But, as your immature and innapropriate "shut the *** up" "your small penis" etc., attacks indicate, apparently, I'm doing something to stir you.

And it's NOT attacking you in that way - because I haven't.

So what could it be, Nick?

Now THIS is truly funny:

Originally posted by Nick Batzdorf:
Well, you're not the moderator of this thread, I'm not your student, and I find that obnoxious.
What part of my "moderating" do you find obnoxious?

The fact that I told you to "shut the **** up?"

The fact that I directed you to "say something constructive?"

The fact that I said you had a "small penis?"

The fact that I said you were "being an ass?"

I don't think so - mostly because I DIDN'T SAY ANY OF THOSE THINGS, Nick.

YOU did, though.

Do you get why I say you are a hypocrite, yet?

YOU try and moderate. YOU tell peole what they should say. YOU resort to juvenile attacks.

Do you think that YOU just might be behaving like an obnoxious, self-appointed moderator?


Originally posted by Nick Batzdorf:
So say something of your own instead of pointing out what you think are weaknesses in what I say.
EVERYTHING I've said in here has been "something of my own."

Deal with the fact that, if pointing out the gaping holes in your lack of logic, is what I want to say, that is MY CHOICE. Not yours, eh?


I'M an "obnoxious moderator?????"

I'll say it again - hypocrite.
Obama sucked. I wish I were up there instead of Obama.
~ Nick Batzdorf

#3833 - 05/14/04 10:50 AM Re: I don't mean to get political but...
cyberblue Offline

Registered: 04/11/02
Posts: 197
Loc: San Diego,Ca.,USA
Bush is gonna win in 2004... ;\)

#3834 - 05/14/04 11:01 AM Re: I don't mean to get political but...
Daniel Carrillo Offline

Registered: 04/20/04
Posts: 99
hey guys...check this out....interesting none the less.

No matter what happens in my life i ALWAYS keep an open mind... (ufos anyone?)

#3835 - 05/14/04 11:26 AM Re: I don't mean to get political but...
Nick Batzdorf Offline
Founding Member

Registered: 04/15/99
Posts: 12161
Loc: Los Angeles, CA, USA
That IS bizarre, Daniel! I'd love to hear the explanations.

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