Saturday, December 21, 2024

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DA7 Internal Software Upgrade Version 2.0.1 - DAW MODE=
HUI-Style Emulation Profile

The only difference between these versions is in the DAW MODE. Version 2.0 emulates a JL Cooper CS-10, while version 2.01 emulates the HUI-Style Emulation. This new version has
been tested with and is compatible with ProTools and MOTU 2408.

pdficon.gif (408 bytes) DA7 V2.0.1 Upgrade Instructions (699k)

DA7 V2.0.1 Upgrade Utility (PC) DA7UPINS.EXE

DA7 V2.0.1 Upgrade Utility (Mac) DA7UPINS.HQX

The Mac file above can be decompressed with Stuffit.

Information on How to Set Up HUI mode with Protools
Written by Nick Batzdorf

DA7 Internal Software Upgrade Version 2.0 - DAW MODE=JC Cooper CS-10
For both Mac and PC. Comes with a software utility that, in addition to upgrading the DA7's internal software, allows backup and restore of user programmed data.  On Macintosh, a standard serial printer cable is used. On PC an inexpensive custom cable is used and is available from Panasonic.  Pin-out diagrams are available in the PDF file below.

This install highly recommends that you:
1.) Backup all your settings, 2.) Upgrade the software, 3.) Do a Master Reset, 4.) Restore your settings.  Also - Make sure you use the upgrade utility included in V2.0 (not another sysex program) to backup/restore settings for this upgrade.

To be sure, please download and read the PDF instructions file below before proceeding.

pdficon.gif (408 bytes) DA7 V2.0 Upgrade Instructions

DA7 V2.0 Upgrade Utility (PC) DA7UPINS.EXE

DA7 V2.0 Upgrade Utility (Mac) DA7UPINS.HQX

The Mac file above can be decompressed with Stuffit.

pdficon.gif (408 bytes) Cable Diagrams for the upgrade

pdficon.gif (1046 bytes) DA7 Application Guide v2

pdficon.gif (1046 bytes) DA7 Users Guide/Manual

pdficon.gif (1046 bytes) MAX Expansion Software for the DA7 - Manual

O2R Presets Work on the DA7

Here are the 11 pages of preset info in PDF format taken from the 02R manual.  These settings have comments next to them and titles (e.g. kick drum, snare etc.).  I've tried some of them out in our studio and while not all settings correspond exactly, they actually work pretty well.   Download this small PDF file, print it on your laser printer and try them out.  I found it interesting the way the author of these settings used high and low shelf filters on EQ settings. Just click below on Get PDF version.  If you don't have Acrobat Reader, it's a free download from the Adobe site just click get Acrobat reader above.

How To Change DA7 Fuses

Got a dead DA7? These instructions come from one of our users in the UK who changed the DA7 internal fuses himself. NOTE: DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK. CONTACT A SERVICE CENTER IF YOU ARE UNSURE OR UNCOMFORTABLE OPENING UP YOUR DA7.


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